Value |
Category |
1 |
Drought/irregular rains |
2 |
Flood |
3 |
Crops damaged by insects, disease, animals |
4 |
Lack of HH labour |
5 |
Lack of agric. inputs (seeds, fertilizer, etc) |
6 |
HH member temporarily ill or injured |
7 |
HH member chronically ill |
8 |
Death of HH member |
9 |
Unemployment |
10 |
Theft of crops or livestock |
11 |
Political problems |
12 |
Price fluctuations |
13 |
Security situation |
14 |
Other |
77 |
Don't Know |
88 |
Not Applicable |
99 |
No Response |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.