Question pretext
This is a screening question to determine the employment status of a household member. It is therefore important to ask probing questions to ascertain the existence of a job or business or unpaid work on family farm or enterprise during the reference week.
"Worked at all" for purposes of this survey means that a person reported to his place of work and performed his duties/activities for at least one hour during the reference week. Explain to the respondent the meaning of work. Refer to Chapter III of this manual for the definition of work.
One hour is the minimum time a person should be engaged in an economic activity to be considered as employed.
Given the previous example of the full time student, if during the interview in October he was working as a waiter even for only one hour during the past week, then the answer for column 13 would be "1" (YES).
Literal question
What was ___'s primary (P) occupation during the past week?
(Specify, occupation e.g. elementary teacher, palay farmer, etc.)
Interviewer instructions
The following are considered when identifying the primary job:
If a person has only one occupation, regardless of permanency, full time or part time, consider this as his/her primary occupation.
If a person has two or more jobs, consider as primary the one which is permanent, whether full time or part time.
If a person has two or more permanent jobs, consider the one where he/she works more hours as his/her primary job. If, however, these two permanent jobs have equal hours of work, consider as primary the one where he/she derives more income.
If a person has more than two jobs, use the same rule as in (1) above.
Describe the specific job or occupation performed by the person in the establishment, office, farm, etc., like palay farmer, farm worker (paid or unpaid), or fisherman, typist, etc.
A person operating his own farm should be reported as farmer-owner while the person hired to manage or oversee a farm is farm manager or farm overseer. Paid laborers or unpaid family workers assisting in the farm operation are considered farm workers.
Such answers as employee, engineer, laborer, mechanic, etc. do not describe adequately the work performed. Hence, ask additional questions like:
What is his work as an employee?
What kind of engineer/mechanic is he?
What does he do as laborer?
Is he a president of the corporations, general manager, or what?
If the respondent gives a long description of the actual duties or work of the person, report the occupation that fits the description. If you cannot think of one designation, enter a brief description of the work in Column 15, plus a remark, if necessary.
An entry of owner, partner, businessman, industrialist and similar terms are vague and do not describe the occupation of a person. Some owners do not even work in connection with other businesses. If the person owns the business and he does not do anything but manage it, he should be reported as manager, except in such occupations as wholesale merchant, retailer, farmer, etc. that may imply management.
Note: There must be no entry of student, housekeeper, retired person or other non-gainful activity in this column.
Column 16 is for the 4-digit code of the primary occupation that will be taken from the new PSOC.