Interviewer instructions
Ask this question only if the answer in column 31 is code 2.
Use the code indicated at the bottom of the questionnaire to record the reason for not looking for work. If the reason is other than those provided with codes, specify the said reason.
1 - Tired/believed no work available - if a person did not look for work because he believed that there was lack of opening to suit his skills in his locality so that looking for work is deemed futile. Included also are persons who looked for work before but have given up to look for work because they believe they cannot find it.
2 - Awaiting results of previous job application - if a person did not look for work because he was expecting to be considered for interview in the establishment where he had an application for a job. It includes also persons who have applied for permits and licenses, or submitted requests for bank loans to establish their own business. Include also those whose application had been approved but job will start more than two weeks from interview period.
3 - Temporary illness/disability - if the reason for not looking for work by a person who did not have a job/business was because he was suffering from a temporary illness or temporary disability.
4 - Bad weather - if a person did not look for work because of bad weather conditions like flood, heavy rain, etc.
5 - Waiting for rehire/job recall - if a person was temporarily laid off from his job due to economic reasons like retrenchment, lack of raw materials, transfer of management, etc., and he did not look for work because he was expecting his former employer to hire him again.
Included in this category are seasonal workers who are waiting for the busy season like planting, harvesting, construction, tourism, holiday sales, etc.
6 - Too young/old or retired/permanent disability - if a person felt that he was too young or too old to work or that he had worked long enough that he would want to rest or if the person is suffering from permanent disability.
Included also in this category are pensioners, mentally incapacitated, physically disabled, etc.
7 - Household, family duties - applies to persons who did not look for work because they were doing household chores in their own home most of the time.
Examples: repairing of own house, taking care of sick household member, preparing for wedding
8 - Schooling - applies to a person who did not look for work because he was still attending school or was expected to attend school within the next 3 months. This category includes only formal education.
Example: on school vacation during summer, waiting for enrolment
Note that a person who is quite young to work and studying will be classified under schooling and not "too young."
9 - Others, specify - other reasons not fitting any of the above 8 categories. In such cases, it would be helpful if the reason could be explained in the box provided at the bottom of the questionnaire. Write the line number of the member with code 9, the col. no. and the specific reason for not looking for work in the box found at the bottom of the questionnaire. Ex: Bar/board review, attending caregiver course
Further probing must be done if the reason for not seeking work is "on vacation". He might actually have a job but was only on vacation at the time of visit. If such is the case, that person should be considered employed.
Included also under this category are pregnant women and those who had just given birth. However, if after probing, the person was just on maternity leave and had a job, consider her as employed.
Question post text
Remember to follow strictly the skipping pattern indicated in the table below:
1. If reason is either codes 1 or 2, go to column 36
2. If reason is either codes 3, 4 0r 5, go to column 37
3. If reason is either codes 6, 7, 8 or 9, go to column 39