Interviewer instructions
Ascertain which of the following methods that the person used and enter in column 33 the corresponding code for that method:
1 - Registered in public employment agency (e.g. PESO)
2 - Registered in private employment agency
3 - Approached employer directly (e.g. job fair)
4 - Approached relatives or friends
5 - Placed or answered advertisements (e.g. emails)
6 - Others, like
writing letters of application
securing letters of recommendation
participating in competitive examination especially given for a particular job
working without pay in order to acquire training and experience and ultimately, employment in the establishment
exerting efforts to start business, private practice of a profession or trade posting of resume in the internet
If a person explored two or several of these methods simultaneously in his effort to seek employment, ascertain which of those methods did the person consider as giving him the best chance of success.
If the category falls under "others", write the line number of the member with code 6 and the specific job search method on the spaces found at the bottom of the questionnaire.