Question pretext
1 School leaving Certificate (Standard Six or seven School Leaving Exam)
2 Cambridge School Certificate
3 CXC Basic
4 GCE 'O' levels or CXC General
5 High School Certificate
6 GCE A' levels, CAPE
7 Associate Degree
8 College Certificate
9 College Diploma
10 Professional Certificate
11 Bachelor's degree
12 Post Graduate Certificate
13 Post Graduate Diploma
14 Higher Degree (Masters)
15 Higher Degree (Doctoral)
16 Other (Specify) ____________
17 None
“Passed” means that the person has successfully completed the examinations and received recognition of this successful completion. The highest examination passed means highest qualification e.g. degrees, diplomas, certificates, professional titles etc. that an individual has acquired, whether by full-time study or private study, whether conferred in the home country or abroad, and whether conferred by educational authorities, special examination bodies or professional bodies. On-line education will be accepted just as classroom education.