Interviewer instructions
9. Length of Residence
The length of residence is how long the person you are interviewing has lived in the place where he is enumerated. It is expressed in completed years. To get the length of residence you might ask a question like, "How long have you been living in this town". Write the answer as follows:
a. For individuals born in the province of the census and never having stayed in another province or abroad, write a dash or a hyphen in column 9. This does not pertain to them.
b. For individuals born in the state of the census but who have had a stay of at least 6 months outside of the state, the length of residence is equal to the amount of time past, in completed years, since their most recent return to the province of the census.
c. For individuals born in another province or abroad, the length of residence is the time which has passed, expressed in completed years, since their last arrival in the state where they are enumerated
The length of all stays should be written in completed years
For individuals whose length of residence in the region is less than one year write 0Y. For individuals whose length of residence in the region is 8 years, write 8Y. For individuals whose length of residence in the region is 16 years, write 16Y. Etc...