Value |
Category |
110100 |
110200 |
110500 |
120100 |
120200 |
120302 |
120303 |
130102 |
130203 |
130304 |
130602 |
130603 |
130900 |
140203 |
140303 |
140500 |
140503 |
150100 |
150102 |
150204 |
150303 |
150500 |
150600 |
150601 |
150603 |
150803 |
150901 |
151003 |
151101 |
160102 |
160701 |
160703 |
160803 |
160804 |
161001 |
170101 |
170102 |
170103 |
170304 |
170903 |
171101 |
171102 |
210102 |
230102 |
230302 |
410204 |
410404 |
420301 |
420302 |
420502 |
420702 |
420802 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.