Value |
Category |
Administrative, legal and other costs |
Audio-video equipment, computers, consumables |
Babysitter services |
Books, newspapers, magazines, stationery |
Cellphone services |
Central heating |
Children's clothes |
Children's footwear |
Cigarettes, tobacco |
Cinema, theatre, museums, exhibitions, circus, video salons, disco |
Clothing and footwear repair |
Coal |
Cookware and domestic ware, domestic items, etc. |
Electric power |
Entertainment and recreation services |
Fuel, spare parts, transport repair |
Furniture, carpets and decorative items |
Gas |
House cleaning |
Internet |
Large electric domestic appliances (refrigerator, TV, washing machine, dishwasher) |
Large electric domestic appliances (refrigerator, TV, washing machine, dishwashes) |
Laundry and dry cleaning |
Liquid fuel |
Maintenance/repair works |
Men's clothes |
Men's footwear |
Pet food |
Postal service |
Recreation and travel services |
Sanitarium costs |
Sewerage and waste disposal |
Short-term use domestic items (dish washing liquid, washing powder, soap, shampoo)) |
Small-sized electric domestic appliances (iron, meat grinder, hairdryer, juicer) |
Social services |
Sown/woven articles |
Sports clubs, tennis court, etc. |
Telephone |
Toys, musical instruments, sports equipment |
Transport costs |
Valuable jewels, bags, wristwatches and other personal belongings |
Vehicles - car, motorcycle, bycicle, etc. |
Water supply and other services |
Wedding, birthday and other event costs |
Women's clothes |
Women's footwear |
Wood |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.