Literal question
48. Principal material of the walls. Examples: Abode, wood, partitions, clay-covered sticks, boards, blocks of light material, Quarried stone, etc.
Column 47-57. These columns are for the dwelling or house that the family occupies. Therefore, the answers will only be written in the row for the head of household.
Column 47: If the family that lives in the dwelling is the homeowner, make an X. If not, leave the column blank.
Interviewer instructions
Characteristics of the dwelling
Column 47. If the dwelling or house which the family inhabits is their own property, mark with an (X). If they do not own it, leave it blank.
Column 48. Write in the name of the material of which the walls of the dwelling or house are predominantly made. Examples: adobe, brick, clay, wood, etc.
Column 49. In column 49, write the number of usable rooms that are in the house or dwelling in which the family lives, without including the kitchen, bathroom, or hallways. Also, do not include the rooms that are not dedicated to inhabitation or other domestic services, such as commerce rooms, storerooms, consultation rooms, etc. Only count the rooms earmarked as bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, libraries, sewing rooms, and rooms for washing and ironing clothes. Any place which is used as a dormitory should be counted as a room, even when it has another use during the day. In a case in which two or more families live in a single habitation, the number of usable rooms that should be written in this column corresponds to each head of family, depending on which rooms that family effectively occupies. In this way, the sum of the rooms occupied by the two or more families is the same as the total number of rooms in the dwelling.