Interviewer instructions
For Those Who Did Not Work
Column 42. All people who, during the week before the Census have not done any paid work, nor remunerated activity, will be asked how many weeks it has been that they have been unoccupied, unemployed, or without work. Write down the number of weeks in this column.
Column 43. If notations were made column 42, due to the fact that the enumerated does not have any kind of remunerated or paid job, the following two questions should be asked: 1st - If they have ever had a job, and 2nd - If they are currently seeking a job. When the two answers are affirmative, the number 1 should be written in column 43. If the enumerated never had a job, and is looking for a job for the first time, a 2 should be written in column 43. Take note that in those cases in which the enumerated is seeking a job for the first time, "New worker" should have been written in column 39.