Literal question
41. How much was he/she paid for the work, occupation, or labor during the month of May, 1960? Salary, pay, daily wage, commissions, fees, etc. (write the amount in pesos)
Column 41: Write only the amount that the person received in the past month (May 1960) as payment for his/her work, occupation, or profession. If, for example, he/she is a doctor, write the amount received as payments; if he/she is a laborer, write the amount received as salaries for the month, for an employee, write the amount of salaries, etc. In the case of various incomes, you should write the total of all income.
Interviewer instructions
For Those Who Work
(Very important)
Column 40. This question (if they worked the week before the census, give the number of days), is for all the enumerated (men and women) who have something written in any of the columns 31 through 39. If the enumerated worked only in their principal occupation, write down the number of days; if they worked only in an occupation besides their principal occupation, write down the number of days; and if the enumerated worked in their principal occupation and also in a different occupation without retribution, add up the number days. Naturally, the total could not be more than 7.
Column 41. The purpose of column 41 is to obtain the data for personal job income, that is, for the fulfillment of an office, profession, or occupation exercised by any of the three categories of people (men and women),[P. 33] laborers, employees, or self-employed people. The first 2 cases (employees and laborers), includes people who receive remuneration as payment for their work (pay, salary), the third case refers to a person who is self-employed, and does not employ laborers or employees; these people exercise their activities for themselves without the help of paid persons; for this they are asked for their income data. To summarize, the data about income in column 41 will only be written for people who have something written in column 34, 35, or 37. It is expressly clarified that data should not be collected for income that is derived from capital, such as rent, income, dividends, etc. In column 41 write the quantity in pesos that the enumerated people (those indicated on the previous lines) received for their work in the month of May, 1960, adding up all their incomes, such as pay, compensation, salary, overtime pay, etc., that the enumerated received, without deducting for payments to insurance premiums, savings accounts, advanced payments, etc.