Question pretext
Please tell me the main things that you did yesterday morning from the time you woke up until around noon/mid-day. Please also mention if you were talking or interacting with anyone for any parts of the morning. By interacting with, I mean were you consistently paying attention to someone. For example, if you were bathing a young child you would be interacting with them even if you were not talking. On the other hand, talking to someone for less than 5 minutes does not count as interacting.
Be sure to cover as much as you can remember. You don't have to go in order, but it's probably easier that way. Be sure to stop with activities from around noon/mid-day.
Interviewer instructions
INTERVIEWER: Please note for Q7015 and Q7016, Q7050 and Q7051, Q7100 and Q7101 :
· Circle all activities that the person spontaneously mentions.
· You do not need to record the order and you do not need to record an item that is repeated.
· This does not have to be comprehensive. It is just meant to be an approximation.
· Please also circle all people that they say they were with.
If the person takes more than two minutes to tell you about their morning, you should ask them to give you less detail.