Interviewer instructions
1.4 Kitchen
This question finds out if a dwelling has a kitchen or not. For it, consider that a dwelling has a kitchen, when a room in the dwelling is used to prepare or heat [p. 66] food, whether or not the room is also used as living room, dining room, bedroom or has other uses.
[graphic of the question from the census form]
When the answer is Yes, circle code 1; if it is No, circle code 2.
Also a space delineated by three walls that limits the place meant for cooking, sheds or spaces that do not have walls and that only have a roof are registered as a kitchen.
Also, if a dwelling consists of a single room and in it food is prepared, it is considered that it has a kitchen. Because of this, if an informant responds that there is no kitchen, ask if food is prepared inside the room, and if the response is Yes, circle code 1, if contrary, circle code 2 and go to question 1.6 Rooms for sleeping.
[graphic of the question from the census form]