Literal question
2.3 Number of households
Then, how many groups of people or households have separate eating expenses, counting your own?
Number of household ___
When there exists more than one household or group of people in a dwelling, use a questionnaire for each household, starting with question 3.2.
Interviewer instructions
2.3 Number of households
The purpose of this question is to determine the number of households in a dwelling.
Take into account that there can be family members who live in the same dwelling but do not share the same expense for food and therefore form different households.
[graphic of the question from the census form]
If two or more households exist in a dwelling, carry out as many interviews as households you find.
When you identify two or more households in a dwelling, before beginning the interview of the second household, transcribe the identification information in the questionnaire, leave section I Characteristics of the Dwelling, and section II Residents in the dwelling and number of households, blank and begin the interview of the second household starting with section III General information, as is indicated below:
- Identification information (fill out)
- Characteristics of the dwelling (blank)
- Residents in the dwelling and number of households (blank)
- General information (begin)
It is necessary that when finishing the interview in every household, you write down in the title page the number of the Household, and the total number of households that exist in the dwelling, also the number of questionnaires used for each household.