Literal question
8.1 Social subsidies
Now I am going to ask you some characteristics of the group of people who form this household.
Currently, do any people of this household receive:
Read all the options and circle the keys where an affirmative answer is obtained.
[] 1 Milk?
[] 2 Tortilla?
[] 3 Scholarships for students?
[] 4 School lunches?
[] 5 Work disability grants?
[] 6 None of the previous
Interviewer instructions
VIII Social subsidies, health services and disability
This section has three purposes: the first is to identify the number of households that receive benefits provided by any public institutions.
[graphic of the question from the census form]
The second is to know how many people are insured and have insured medical attention and finally, to identify people who suffer any type of disability and to recognize it as such.
The questions of this section are asked by household.
8.1 Social subsidies
With this question the number of households that receive any benefit or support provided by any public institution (DIF, Sedesol, SEP, State government and National Employment System) are found out.
Subsidies are governmental programs that help with either monetary or material support through scholarships, breakfasts, among others that the mentioned institutions provide to the population of scarce economic resources.
Also scholarship grants that constitute a stimulate in the academic pursuits of students.
[p. 145]
[graphic of the question from the census form]
It is important to clarify that in some programs a recouping fee is paid, that is, a part of the cost (for example for school breakfasts 10 centavos is paid for breakfast); on the contrary, in others nothing is paid (grants for children in Solidarity); in both cases they are considered subsidies.
This program admits multi-responses given that in the household there can be people benefited by different programs, for which you should read all options from 1 to 5 and circle those where you get an affirmative answer; in the case that in the home they do not receive any subsidy, circle option 6 None of the previous.
The answer options are explained in the following paragraphs.
"Liconsa" milk?...1
This program is directed to families with children under 12 years old and whose income does not exceed both minimum salaries. The support consists of a card with which they obtain four liters of milk per child, 2 or 3 times a week, with a cost of 80 centavos a liter.
When an informant mentions receiving milk from Conasupo, circle this option. Also, when an informant does not identify the reference to Liconsa milk because it is known as Conasupo milk, mention this name.
The tortilla program is directed also to families whose income is not larger that both minimum salaries. The subsidy consists of a daily card or voucher (Monday to Sunday) per family for a kilo of tortillas; the voucher costs nothing.
It is important to mention that the Liconsa milk and tortilla programs only attend to the population of urban areas.
[p. 146]
scholarship for students? 3
In this option programs of scholarship grants directed to the population that attends any level of formal education (primary, secondary, preparatory, professional or post graduate) are considered, since they are a stimulate in the academic pursuit of the student and it consists of awarding them a monthly amount and/or partial or total payment of school fees.
The scholarships for studying can be awarded by the Secretary of Public Education (SEP), the State government, as well as by the scholarly institution.
Also programs of scholarships for children in Solidarity (Welfare for the family) focused on the infant population of scarce economic resources and who attend primary school to the third grade are included. The grant only is awarded to one child per family and provides a monthly economic aid and a family stimulate, as well as medical service exclusively for the child with the scholarship; the requisite for conserving the right to the scholarship beginning in the fourth grade, is that the child maintain a minimum average of 8, in which case, the child is supported until sixth grade.
It is important to clarify that scholarships awarded by the National Council of Educational Promotion (Conafe) are not considered subsidies given that a person receives a monthly amount but in exchange for doing educational activities in educational institutions and not for studying.
Also grants for trusteeship are not included since it is a title to which one is reinstated.
school breakfast?...4
This program concerns breakfasts provided to children of preschool age and those who attend primary school to the third grade in schools in rural areas or in colonies of scarce resources.
Although also breakfasts are provided to children of fourth, fifth and sixth grade who show levels of malnutrition.
For each breakfast that is distributed daily, the student has to pay a fee of 10 centavos.
Disabilities grants?...5
The grants are meant for the population of 18 to 35 years that is unemployed, they equal the minimum regional salary and are awarded during the time that the training courses last, which can be 1 to 6 months.
[p. 147]
None of the previous 6
This option is not read to the informant, it is only circled when an answer to the previous options has been "no."
Circle this option when a person mentions receiving any support but now does not have it, or that it is being arranged.
If an informant declares any program different that those in the question and that are not subsidies because they have the characteristic of a loan or credit that is reinstated (mothers on solidarity, dignified living, credit by word, grants for trusteeship or others), circle this option.