Literal question
For people 12 years old or older
[Applies to questions 7.3 to 7.11]
Other incomes
7.10 (Other than the aforementioned income) does (Name) receive income from:
Read all the options and write down up to three keys.
[] 1 Being retired or pensioned?
[] 2 Help of family members from another country?
[] 3 Rent or interest from banks?
[] 4 Help from Procampo?
[] 5 Grant or aid from other institutions?
[] 6 Another type?
[] 7 None? Go to next person
[] 9 Does not know
Type of income
7.10A ____
7.10B ____
7.10 C ____
7.11 How much does (Name) receive for (Type of income from 7.10)?
Ask the question for each of the answers written down in 7.10.
1. Once a week
2. Every other week
3. Once a month
4. Once a year
5. N$ 98000 or more 98000
6. Does not know 99999
Write down in new pesos
7.11A Income ____
7.11B Period ____
7.11C Income ____
7.11D Period ____
7.11E Income ____
7.11F Period ____