Value |
Category |
951 |
What are the total net savings of your HH at present? |
952 |
What were the net savings of your HH during the last 1 year? |
953 |
How much profit did you receive from your all savings/deposits during the last 1 year? |
954 |
How much did you withdraw from savings for consumption expenditure during the last 1 year? |
955 |
What is the total value of gold, silver, and precious metals including jewellry , stones etc? |
956 |
What was the value of gold, silver etc. including jewellry , stones sold during the last 1 year? |
957 |
What was the value of gold, silver etc. including jewellry , stones purchased during the last 1 year? |
958 |
What is the present value of stocks/shares/bonds or other securities held by the HH? |
959 |
How much was received by selling securities etc. in the last 1 year? |
960 |
How much dividends/profit received from these securities during the last one year? |
961 |
What was the value of stocks etc. or other securities purchased in the last 1 year? |
962 |
How much money received from Provident fund during the last year? |
963 |
How much loans are currently owed by the HH? |
964 |
How much loan was borrowed in the last 1 year? |
965 |
How much was repaid during the last 1 year? |
966 |
How much was profits was paid on this loan during the last 1 year? |
967 |
For what purpose the loan was used |
968 |
How much was loaned out in the last 1 year? |
969 |
How much was received back during the last 1 year? |
970 |
How much profits was received on this loan during the last 1 year? |
971 |
How much money was received from a group insurance/ benevolent during the last 1 year? |