Interviewer instructions
If the answer is “Yes”, tick the “Yes” box and continue to Q.3. If the answer is “No”, tick the “No” box and go to Q.4. The question includes a prompt to be read out to the respondent as part of the question. The purpose of the prompt is to remind the respondent of the different types of agricultural land to make sure that all land is included.
Refer to Chapter 3.4 for a description of what grow any crops in the 2010 wet season or the 2010/11 dry season means. Agricultural land means land operated by the household/holding that either is used for growing temporary or permanent crops or is temporarily fallow (see Chapter 3.3).
Question post text
Tick a box
If No Next to Q.4
Prompt: Include rice land, other crop land, upland area, crops grown in the village area, crops grown in other places, permanent crops, and agricultural land left fallow