Value |
Category |
1 |
Agriculture, rice, corn, other grains |
2 |
Agriculture, horticulture (vegetables, fruits, etc.) |
3 |
Agriculture, estate (palm, tea, tobacco, rubber, etc) |
4 |
Agriculture, fishery (fishing, fish cultivation, etc) |
5 |
Agriculture, animal husbandary (animals farming, dairy,etc) |
6 |
Agriculture, other (forestry, hunting, etc) |
7 |
Mining and quarrying |
8 |
Manufacturing |
9 |
Electricity and gas |
10 |
Construction (buildings, roads, bridges, etc) |
11 |
Trade (wholesale and retail) |
12 |
Hotel and restaurant |
13 |
Transportation and storage |
14 |
Information and communication |
15 |
Finance and insurance |
16 |
Educational services |
17 |
Health services |
18 |
Other services (government, private and individual) |
19 |
Others (real estate, water supply, etc) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.