Value |
Category |
+ |
1 |
3 |
A small table stood in the room, which still could be used to write, exercises seem difficult to respondent, because he had no glasses |
A small table stood in the room, which was inconvenient. The respondent tried to fill exercise booklet with great interest |
Apartment was being reconstructed, it was loud, respondent was being called for frequently and he/she found it difficult to answer questions |
Attention was on the children |
Electricity went out but calmly conducted interview with addittional light |
Filled out excercies quickly |
Guest visited and respondent did not fill out the booklet |
Guest visited and respondent got in a hurry |
Guests were coming in and out of the room |
Had a lot of problems with eyesight and hurted eyes from much reading |
I was in the living room |
I entered a room with a table, sofa with armchairs, piano, parish corner, cupboard |
I entered the kitchen where I saw a table, TV, fridge, washing machine, cupboard |
I entered the kitchen with a sofa in the corner, armchairs, TV and a cupboard |
I was in the living roome, which was used as a bedroom, there were beds, chairs and tables |
I was in the living roome, which was used as a bedroom, there were oven, kitchen stove and sofa |
Respondent has a twin sister who she wrote down as a litter sister |
Respondent rarely asked me to confirm the accuracy of answers |
Respondent was in a hurry, but was extremely polite |
Sometimes respondent was asking me to check his/her answers but I told him/her she ahd to write it herself |
Stopped filling out exercise booklet because of guests |
The best respondent |
The respondent filled in exercises independently in a normal environment |
The room vas very narrow |
The room vas very narrow, respondent found it difficult to solve the excercises |
The surface of the table was not smooth |
There were no disturbances |
Tried to fill out completely but the neighbour came in and was rushin him/her |
Wanted to finish it but sombody else interrupted |
Was receiving phone calls frequently and was expecting guests |
Was very eager to fill out the excercies and found it interesting |
Was very smart and filled out general booklet very quickly |
araferi xelisSemSLELI FAQTORI |
aravitari xelisSemSleli faqti |
because exercise were difficult |
because of child was interrupting it become difficult to respondent to do exercise properly |
child noise due to the large number of people |
child caretaker |
child noise |
cudi mxedvelobis gamo respodentma aRar moisurva gaegrZelebina zogadi bukletis meore nawilis Sevseba |
despite the fact that the respondent was ill, agreed to an interview and I answered good |
did not finished because was without glasses |
did not have glasses, so it was difficult to do thinly written exercises |
did not liked exercise booklet and stop filling |
did not wanted to do exercise booklet because was going to go away |
didn't considered exercises seriously and only marked them |
due to language barrier was reading and writing too long |
during the certain part of interview electricity went off |
eespondent independently filled the booklet |
exercise were difficult, because respodent was without glasses |
exercises were not difficult to respondent |
family member tried to help, but I was trying to let the respondent to work independently |
family member, which did not disturbed him went out, respondent filed in a comfortable environment |
filled only general booklet |
ganatlebuli iyo magram didi dros undeboda |
guests appeared during the interview, but did not stop doing the booklet |
has no time, had two little children |
has notglasses |
interesting respondent, I felt comfortable |
interview conducted late in the evening, due to poor light and childrenexercise booklet was filled the next day |
interview was conducted f in a comfortable environment |
interview was conducted in a comfortable environment |
interview was conducted in a comfortable environment, respondent did not answered several questions, but read everything |
interview was conducted in the shope were respondent worked |
knew reading and writing in georgian, but could not read faster, that's was respondent's problem |
lost his glasses, used wife's one, took too much time |
met me in the bedroom, where stood a sofa |
met me in the living room, where stood a piano, a table, chairs and books |
met me in the living room, where stood a piano, a table, chairs, tv, sopa, chest of drawers |
met me in the living room, where stood a piano, closet, writing desk and armchairs |
met me in the living room, where stood a table, chairs, tv, wood stove. |
oTaxSi imyofeboda respondentis deda da mezobeli qali.isini saubrobdnen,magram respond.imdenad iyo ga |
partner did not let to finish the booklet |
phone rang several times, and respodnets had to go in the yard |
poor lighting in the room |
refused to fill module 6b |
resp gauC savatj gaket imit rom ar fqonda norm saTvale |
resp gauW savar gakeT saTval gamo |
resp gauWirda savarj gakeT mxedvel gamo |
resp.gadax.savarjiSoebis buklets da bolomde aRar Seavso,radgan locvis dro mosdioda |
resp.mouclelobis gamo uari Tqva savarj.bukletis Sevsebaze,klientma daurek.da amis gamo tavi Seikava |
respodentma Tvalebi miWrialebso,ar waikiTxa wvrilad dawerili Sriftis savarjiSoebi |
respodentma gaaketa zogadi bukleti,magram zogierT adgilas datova gadauxazavi,radgan ar icoda sityveb |
respodentma gadaxeda savarjiSoebs magram ar vmoindoma sevseba |
respodents aqvs rusulad skola damTavrebuli,ris gamoc qarTulad nela kiTxulobs |
respodents xels uSlida Tavisi ori wlis bavSvi |
respodents xels uSlida bavSvi |
responden found few difficult to fill the booklet (but he was not a narrow-minded) |
respondent found it difficult to do the exercises because of the difficulty |
respondent received the booklet not seriously, but completely read it |
respondent are comfortable filling exercises. Respondent's wife showed much of the research about the research |
respondent asked me to confirm the accuracy of his responses |
respondent completed the exercises independently |
respondent did not finished the exercise booklet because husband prohibited due lack of time |
respondent did not finished the exercise booklet because of family members questions |
respondent did not have a good way of thinking, he often asked me for help, clarification answers |
respondent did not have any disturbing conditions, filled in exercises independently |
respondent did not slept last night therefore found it difficult to fill the booklet |
respondent filled activities independently, but occasional was expresing displeasure |
respondent filled exercises independently, but sometimes wanted to do exercices in solitude |
respondent filled exercises, family members do not bother |
respondent filled in exercises independently and quickly |
respondent filled in exercises in comfortable settings |
respondent filled in the booklet independently, occasionally asking for help, did not have rapid thinking skills |
respondent filled in the exercises fully |
respondent filled in the general guidebooks, but refused to do the exercise booklet |
respondent filled independently exercises |
respondent filled questions in comfortable environment |
respondent filled the booklet indipendently, but asked to indicate the accuracy of responses |
respondent found it difficult to do the exercises, so did not read some them |
respondent found little difficult to read and did not have glasses, respondnet sat on the sofa, holding the card during the filling |
respondent had a vision problem, and did not own sunglasses |
respondent had vision problems, so did not read the larg text of the booklet. Did not answered to one question |
respondent independently filled booklets |
respondent smoothly, quietly completing exercises |
respondent then went to another room to filled in an exercise booklet |
respondent turn off the tv set and asked mother to stop talking due to conduct inteview in calm situation |
respondent wanted family members to help him to fill in the booklet, but I did let them to help |
respondent was a bit passive, but read all questions and answered as far as possible |
respondent was an independent, not bothering with questions, behaved responsible during the filling |
respondent was concerned, the interview was conducted in a comfortable environment |
respondent was drunk, but did not showed it |
respondent was filling exercise very seriously. he handled very responsiblyto fill exercises |
respondent was keen to fill exercises. He was independently filling the exercises |
respondent was nervous and became more nervous whensaw the booklet |
respondent was not alone but the room was quiet. respondent completed exercises |
respondent was not georgian speaking, was reading slowly, made several remarks on the exercise booklet |
respondent was reading slowly because had no glasses in that moment |
respondent was russian speaking and read slowly |
respondent was tired after surgery |
respondent was tired, tried to do exercise, but can't finished it |
respondent was upset because of illness of wife, orphaned nephew and unpaid bills |
respondent was very depressed and did not have a table, normal light |
respondent was writing with the left hand |
respondent's 72 years old father attended the interview, but he did not interrupted the respondent |
respondent's friends sat and did not involve himself in the course of the interview |
respondents did not have glasses and wife helped him |
respondents filled in the exercise independently. Not asked any questions or assistance |
respondents found it difficult to fill a general booklet |
respondents found it difficult to fill a general booklet, I lend my glasses her |
respondet behaved very seriously and tried to fill in the survey |
respondet was late and somone was phoning her to go out so he did not managed to do general booklet properly |
samsaxurSi darca satvale ver Seavso savarjiSoebi bodiSi moixada |
savarjiSos kitxvisas respodenti zogjer meugles stxovda waekitka pasuxs tviton scemda ,uWirda kitxva |
silver glass stood on the table |
somone called the respondent and respodent filled in exercises faster |
the interview was conducted under normal circumstances |
the respondents friends children demanded the attention of the respondent |
the room was renovating |
the room wasin a normal situation, the interview could be conducted |
there is no table in the room andI gave a plaqueto write exercises. |
there was a small child in the family, which mand a noise, but respondents paid no attention until finished the working on booklet |
there was no table in the room and it was imposible to conduct interview, there was a mess |
there was no table in the room, respondents found it difficult to take into account, but stil wrote ​ exercise and general booklet |
there was no table in the room. there was chaos, disorder |
there were everypossible condition for the conduct of the interview |
to coduct the questionnaire all conditions were provided |
was difficult to do exercises, but asked several questions |
was difficult to read without glasses. Proposed borrowing, but refused |
was in a hurry, refused to cancel the meeting and worked without enthusiasm |
was making food for children, but due to interview quit |
was no table |
was thinking slowly |
was writing in kitchen table, wood stove, kitchen stove, sink |
wasn't difficult to do exercises |
were siting in the kitchen, roome where were a table, kitchen stove, sofa, tv, computer, |
xelisSemSleli faqtori ar yofila.Zalian mowesrigebuli respondenti iyo |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.