Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Interviewer instructions
Ask how long the respondent has been married. If there were more than one marriage, please add the number of years of the entire wedlocks made. Rounded it down. For those who got pregnant out of wedlock enter code "00".
Question post text
continue to other household member
1. MOW/Medis Operasi Wanita (woman medical surgery)/tubectomy (woman sterilization) is a surgery performed on female household head/member by having her fallopian tubes closed to prevent pregnancy. Please emphasize that the goal is to prevent future pregnancies.
2. MOP/Medis Operasi Pria (man medical surgery)/vasectomy (man sterilization) is a minor surgery performed on male household head/member to prevent his spouse from being pregnant.
3. AKDR/Alat Kontrasepsi Dalam Rahim (IUD/Intra Uterus Device) is a device made of soft plastic/copper,small in size,in the forms of spiral,T,fan,etc. installed inside the womb/uterus to prevent pregnancy. This device functions as pregnancy prevention for a long period of time.
4. KB Injection is one of ways to prevent pregnancy by injecting contraceptive substance periodically,e.g. once in one,three,or six months.
5. Susuk KB/norplant/implanon/alwalit (Contraceptive Skin Implant)-are six small metals to be implanted/injected under the skin of the upper arm to prevent pregnancy. A household head/member is considered using susuk KB if she had the implant less than five(5) years ago prior to the date of census. This includes under the skin injection(implant).
6. KB Pills are pills that are taken to prevent pregnancy. These pills should be taken regularly.
7. Condom/KB rubber is a device made of rubber,in a balloon-like shape,used by male household head/member while having sexual intercourse in order to prevent the spouse from getting pregnant.
8. Intravag/tissue/woman's condom is a KB tissue positioned inside the vagina before having sexual intercourse. Reference time for this device is up to the last intercourse within 30 days before the interview.
9. Traditional method:
a.Periodic abstinence/calendar method is based on the assumption that by not having sexual intercourse in a certain days of the month,which is during fertile period in monthly cycle,a woman could prevent pregnancy.
b.Coitus interruptus is a method to prevent semen from entering vagina by interrupting intercourse before ejaculation. The refference time for this method is the last intercourse within 30 days.
c.Other traditional methods such as breastfeeding for the purpose of birth control,abstinence,traditional herbs (jamu),and massage.
For women age 10 years and up - status of married,divorced,divorce due to death of spouse