1. Kindergarten (TK) / Bustanul Athfal (BA)/Raudatul Athfal (RA) is a pre-school education before entering elementary school (SD).
2. Play group is a pre-school education program before kindergatren, which program is to teach children to socialize among them by way of playing. Play group is commonly called PG.
3. Day care is a place/center for nursing children which includes a pre-school education program. Day care center usually takes care of children whose parents works. Day care center has a stimulation program for children, among others: toys/play tools (rough motor/muscles), learning shapes (soft motor) and playing (socializing). Other names that might be found for such center is full day or day care.
3. PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini) or Early Age Children Education is a developing effort targeted to children from 0 to 6 years old that is performed through providing educational stimulation to help physical and mental growth and development so that children have preparedness in entering the next phase of education (Article 1, point 14, Law of National Education System/Sisdiknas).
4. Other PAUD - PAUD units of the Same Type are other forms of non-formal PAUD other than PAUD integrated with Toddler Family Training/Posyandu, which implementation could be integrated with various early age childrn programs that already exist in the society, such as PAUD-TAAM (Islamic Children Nurturing Garden), PAUD-SM (Sunday School) and PAUD-BIA (Catholic Children Faith and Community), Al Qur'an Education Garden or TPQ, Devout Children Education Center or TAPAS, Devout Children Education Studio or SPAS, Anaprasa Training, and other early age educaton under the guidance of religious institutions, and all children service institutions under women organization or social/community organization.