Someone is said to go to school if he is registered and active in following the learning process at a formal education level, either under the supervision of Diknas (National Education), Depag (Department of Religion), other Public Institutions or Private Institutions.
1. Primary School, either ordinary or extraordinary (SD/SDLB) is an elementary school of 5/6/7 years or equivalent (extraordinary school at basic level, small primary school, tutoring primary school).
2. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) is a formal education unit which holds general education with specification in Islamic religion at basic education level, under the scope of Religion Department (Ministry).
3. Junior High School – ordinary and extraordinary (SMP/SMPLB) is a Junior High School or equivalent, e.g. Junior High Extraordinary School.
4. Madrasah Tsanawiyah(MTs) is a formal education unit which holds general education with specification in Islamic religion at basic education level as the continuation of SD, MI, or other equivalent form, under the scope of Religion Department.
5. General Secondary School – ordinary and extraordinary (SMU/SMLB) is a Senior High School, Senior High Extraordinary School.
6. Madrasah Aliyah (MA) is a formal education unit which holds general education with specification in Islamic religion at secondary high education level under the scope of Religion Department.
7. Vocational High School (SMK) is a vocational school at the same level as SMU, e.g. SMK Paramita, SMK Negeri 5, etc.
8. Diploma 1 or Diploma 2 Program is a D1/D2 program at a college which organizes diploma 1 / diploma program 2 in a formal education. D1 program is only diploma program at a formal education managed by a college.
9. Program of Diploma 3 / Sarjana Muda is a D3 program or obtaining a bachelor degree at an academy / a college which organizes diploma programs / issues bachelor degrees.
10. Program of Diploma 4 / S1 is a D4 Program or Strata 1 at a college/university.
11. S2/S3 is a post-graduate education program (Master or Doctor), Strata 2 or 3 at a college/university.