Kecamatan development program is a Rural PNPM program to alleviate poverty based on society empowerment.
Other Government Program,for instance:
-Coastal Community Economic Empowerment Program (PEMP).
-Poor People Empowerment Program through Social Empowerment Direct Aid (PPFM-BLPS).
-Productive Business Group Formation Program (KUP) and Empowerment and Protection of Other Susceptible Society (PPMR).
-Empowerment Program for People Around the Area of Exploitation Permit of Timber Forest Product (IUPHHK).
-Community Forest Development Program.
-Border Area Development Program (PWP) and Disadvantaged Area Development Program (PWT).
Bank program credit,if a household member receives business credit from bank by applying personally and is a non-governmental program (excluding KUR).
Cooperative/Foundation’s program credit source is a legal entity with individual members or cooperative legal entity whereas its operating is based on cooperative principle,and at the same time as society economic movement based on kinship principle (Law Nr. 25 Year 1992 about Cooperative).
Individual,if a respondent’s household receives business credit from a certain individual who is not a member or the head of related household.
Other credit source,if the respondent’s household receives business credit from other than the above sources.