Employment status of the previous job before quit or moved into the last job:
Own-account worker
Self-employed assisted by temporary worker/unpaid worker
Employer assisted by permanent worker
Paid worker/employee
Unpaid worker
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Interviewer instructions
- The concept of employment status is similar to Q10, the difference is the employment status before quit /moved to the last job.
Question post text
Use the blank areas in this List to write notes that needed to be described later or problems found during enumeration.
Employment status is the status of a person at the place where he/she works.
1. Own-account worker is a person who works at his/her own risk without assisted by paid or unpaid worker/laborer.
2.Self-employed assisted by a unpaid laborer or worker/ temporary laborer or worker, is a person who works at his/her own risk and assisted by temporary worker/laborer or unpaid worker/laborer.
3.Employer assisted by a permanent worker is a person who works at his/her own risk and assisted by paid permanent laborer/worker.
4. Paid worker/employee is is a person who work permanently for other people or institution/office/company and gains some money/cash or goods as wage/salary. Laborer who have no permanent employer is not categorized as a laborer/worker/employee except for agricultural laborer even they dont have permanen employer,still recognized as laborer.
5. Unpaid worker is a person who works for other people without being paid in cash nor goods.
Household members aged 10 years and over with previous work experience and quit working or moved to another job