Value |
Category |
101 |
Drought |
102 |
Too much rain or flood |
103 |
Erosion |
104 |
Frosts or hailstorm |
105 |
Pests or diseases that affected crops before they were harvested |
106 |
Pests or diseases that led to storage losses |
107 |
Pests or diseases that affected livestock |
201 |
Lack of access to inputs |
202 |
Large increase in input prices |
203 |
Large decrease in output prices |
204 |
Lack of demand or inability to sell agricultural products |
205 |
Lack of demand or inability to sell nonagricultural products |
301 |
Land redistribution in the PA |
302 |
Confiscation of assets |
303 |
Resettlement, villagization or forced migration |
304 |
Bans on migration |
305 |
Forced contributions or arbitrary taxation |
306 |
Imprisonment for political reasons |
307 |
Discrimination for political reasons |
308 |
Discrimination for social or ethnic reasons |
309 |
Contract disputes (eg default, disagreement regarding prices or quantities) regarding purchased inputs |
310 |
Contract disputes (eg default, disagreement regarding prices or quantities) regarding sale of output |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.