Literal question
VII. Fertility and Mortality Characteristics
For females 15 years of age and older.
[Questions 22 - 23 were asked of women aged 15 and older.]
22. How many sons and daughters born alive have you had?
Total sons/daughters (Continue with question 23) _ _
[] 00 None (go on to the next respondent)
23. Of these, how may are alive?
Total sons/daughters alive _ _
Interviewer instructions
(For women 15 years old and older)
Question Number 23: Of these [children] how many are alive?
Write down in the corresponding spaces the response of the person. The information refers to the number of children alive at the moment of the interview, whatever their age, or if they live with the mother or not.
The following conditions are applied to women from 15 to 49 years of age, who declared to have had children born alive.