Interviewer instructions
If an annual crop, ask the time for planting and harvesting for each crop
season. Record a maximum of 3 main planting and harvesting seasons in order of: spring
crop, autumn crop, winter crop. The calendar for planting and harvesting for each type of
tree can be found in part B1 of section 9 Agriculture in the household questionnaire.
If a perennial crop, ask the month of harvesting and record the respective code in the
harvest[…] column and pay attention to consistency with question 6.
If there is a crop which is harvested or planted over several months, record the main
month for planting, and the main month for harvesting. This question allows a maximum
of 3 crop seasons, when recording in the questionnaire, record in turn according to order
of time.
For perennial crops, some crops may not have a specific planting or harvesting season,
then you can record 13
Question post text
if perennial crop only record harvest