Question pretext
Now I would like to ask you some questions about your dwelling. By dwelling I mean all the rooms and all the separate buildings used by your household.
Literal question
5. How many rooms does your household occupy, including bedrooms living rooms, and all other rooms used for household activities?
Interviewer instructions
Record rooms in all houses and apartments being used by all household members. If
the house is used for both living and business, take it as a living house (for example; goods
selling place is the living room). But in section 10 the interviewer has to record this as a business
asset (workshop) with xx% used for living by calculating in proportion to time used.
Note: it is counted as a room for living if the area is properly separated and has a door
separating it from other rooms. Therefore, in houses/apartments there may be many
compartments, but if these compartments are not separated or are only temporarily separated with
a folding screen ... then they are still all counted as one room for living