Interviewer instructions
Age and birth date are some of the most important information in the survey.
If a document proving birth date is available such as a birth certificate, id card, or passport, take the birth date from that document to record in question 5. In that case, the interviewer should calculate the age and ask the respondent to verify before recording age in question 6. If age and birth year are not consistent, you should ask for the lunar year to check and recalculate age. In question 5, “year” should be record with 4 digits. For example, record 1952 not 52. If the respondent doesn’t have any of the above papers, ask for age of people in the list and record in question 6. You should record years for people aged 10 and over; record both years and months for people less than 10 years old. Calculate age in completed years (completed years and months). For example: At the date of the interview, a person has an age in the interval 1 to 29 days, record 0 months, if in the interval from 1 month to 1 month and 29 days, record 1 month; if in the interval 1 year 2 months to 1 year 2 months and 29 days, record 1 year and 2 months. If the respondent doesn’t remember age in years according to the solar calendar, but do remember the years according to the lunar calendar, then the interviewer should check in the age equivalent table or if they can’t remember even the lunar years, the interviewer should suggest some major events in the lifetime of that person or of the community (commune, city, office...) or of the country or world such as: year of starvation 1945, national liberation day, peace day, world war, v.v. to help the respondent remember his/her birthday. If for some reason a person has a different date on birth certificate than the true birth date, record the true birth date
Question post text
if answer is 3 >> go to question 6