Interviewer instructions
Write the item and description (make, color, etc.) for each of the goods. Copy the code and then go to the next item in the list for which the answer was yes.
- If the household has all items that have been listed and has only one of each (for example,
only one bicycle) record one of each type in the listed line for the respective furniture.
- If the household has all listed furniture and each type has more than two (pieces) record
each piece on a separate line. Furniture of the same type have the same code for that
furniture. For example: if a household has 3 bicycles, each bicycle is recorded in a line,
describe each in detail ( Mifa, Eska...) and the 3 bicycles have the same code 219. It is not
necessary to list the 3 bicycles consecutively. For example: if it is recorded in the next
page of Part C and a new bicycle is discovered, whereas two bicycles have been recorded
in the previous page, the newly discovered bicycle can be recorded in the next page.
- List all furniture in order of high value to low value. If the household has too many items,
record all the rest of the items to the last line and calculate the total sum for them to
question 4.
- Be careful when recording other durable goods. If there are goods such as statue
ornamental trees, other ornamental furniture that are not clearly listed in the list, by
observation the interviewer sees them, s/he should suggest the item to the respondent and
ask the value of these furniture
Question post text
Ask question 1 for all items before going to 2-4.