Value |
Category |
1 |
Living alone |
2 |
Household representative of multi-person household |
3 |
Spouse of household representative |
4 |
Cohabitant of household representative |
5 |
Child of household representative |
6 |
Partner of child of household representative |
7 |
Grandchild (including his/her partner) of household representative |
8 |
Ancestor of household representative or his/her partner |
9 |
Other relative of household representative |
10 |
Person not related to household representative |
11 |
Person living in boarding school |
12 |
Person living in dormitory for students |
14 |
Person living in nursing home or hospital |
15 |
Person living in institution for elderly people |
16 |
Person living in institution for the disabled |
17 |
Person living in child care institution |
18 |
Person in institution for children without parents |
19 |
Person living in religious institution |
21 |
Person living in penal institution |
22 |
Person living in refugee camp |
23 |
Person living in private homes for refugees |
24 |
Person living in other institution |
25 |
Person in institution for homeless/socially disadvantaged |