Literal question
For persons aged three or older
[Applies to questions 9-12]
11. What was the last level and grade or year you successfully completed in school? (Circle only one number. For primary write the grade or year and for secondary [high school] write only the year)
[] 1 No level
[] 2 Initial Education
[] 3 Primary
Grade _
Year _
[] 4 Secondary [High school]
Year _
[] 5 Non-university higher education -- incomplete
[] 6 Non-university higher education -- complete
[] 7 University higher education -- incomplete
[] 8 University higher education -- complete
Interviewer instructions
For persons aged three and older
[Applies to questions 9-12]
Question 11: What was the last level and grade or year you successfully completed in school?
If the respondent only passed the last pre-primary grade [transición], circle option 3, "Primary", and write 0 (zero) in the grid space.
If the respondent states primary, ask which year or grade he/she passed and write it in the appropriate grid space. The individual "Grade" and "Year" spaces may not contain both pieces of information.
If the respondent states secondary, ask which year he/she passed and write it in the appropriate grid space.
If the respondent states non-university higher education, find out whether the degree was completed or not and circle the appropriate option.
If the person studied in a non-traditional setting [Educación No Escolarizada, when students do not attend classes in a physical school on a daily basis], write the year passed and the appropriate level.
[p. 50]
No Level. This is when the person never attended a school. Include children who were in pre-primary classes [Educación Inicial] on the day of the census.
Pre-primary. This includes those who finished the following classes: early childhood center [estudios de nido], day-care [Cuna guardería], kindergarten, national pre-primary non-traditional program [Programa Nacional no Escolarizado de Educación Inicial] (Pronoei) and day care for children less than 4 years old [Wawa wasi].
Primary. According to the current educational system, this includes grades one through six. In the previous educational system it included the final pre-primary grade [transición] and grades one through five for both children and adults.
Secondary. According to the current educational system, this includes years one through five for both children and adults.
Non-University Higher Education. This includes teacher training schools [escuelas normales]; professional training schools [escuelas superiores de educación profesional]; non-commissioned officer training in the armed forces; business schools; technical colleges; and teaching colleges [institutos superiores pedagógicos]. In all of these schools the length of study is generally at least three years.
University Higher Education. This includes universities; officer training schools for the police and the armed forces; seminary schools; the Peru College of Art; the National Teaching College; nursing college; journalism school; and the Diplomatic Academy of Peru. In all of these schools the length of study is at least four years.
Ana only passed the last year before primary school [transición]. Circle option 3, "Primary," and write 0 in the box which corresponds to year. Leave the space for "Grade" blank.
Lupita passed sixth grade. Circle option 3, "Primary," and write 6 in the space which corresponds to grade. Leave the space which corresponds to year blank.
Leví studies psychology at the university and has passed his fourth year. Circle option 7, "University Higher Education -- Incomplete."
Ricky is studying accounting in a college [instituto superior], not a university. He passed his fourth-semester of classes. Circle option 5, "Non-University Higher Education -- Incomplete."