Ouagadougou HDSS INDEPTH Core Dataset 2009 - 2014 (Release 2017)
Residents only
Données 2009-2013 de l'Observatoire de Population de Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso
Name | Country code |
Burkina Faso | BFA |
Demographic Surveillance
This dataset contains rounds 0 to 7 of health and demographic surveillance data covering the period from October 2008 to 31 December 2014. Two rounds of data collection took place annually.
The Ouagadougou Health and Demographic Surveillance System (Ouagadougou HDSS), located in five neighborhoods at the northern periphery of the capital of Burkina Faso, was established in 2008. Data on vital events (births, deaths, unions, migration events) are collected during household visits that have taken place every 10 months.
The areas were selected to contrast informal neighborhoods (40,000 residents) with formal areas (40,000 residents), with the aims of understanding the problems of the urban poor, and testing innovative programs that promote the well-being of this population. People living in informal areas tend to be marginalized in several ways: they are younger, poorer, less educated, farther from public services and more often migrants. Half of the residents live in the Sanitary District of Kossodo and the other half in the District of Sig-Nonghin.
The Ouaga HDSS has been used to study health inequalities, conduct a surveillance of typhoid fever, measure water quality in informal areas, study the link between fertility and school investments, test a non-governmental organization (NGO)-led program of poverty alleviation and test a community-led targeting of the poor eligible for benefits in the urban context. Key informants help maintain a good rapport with the community.
The areas researchers follow consist of 55 census tracks divided into 494 blocks. Researchers mapped all the census tracks and blocks using fieldworkers with handheld global positioning system (GPS) receivers and ArcGIS. During a first census (October 2008 to March 2009), the demographic surveillance system was explained to every head of household and a consent form was signed; during subsequent censuses, new households were enrolled in the same way.
Event history data
CMD2014.V1: Edited dataset for public distribution
Developing during workshop and updating after the workshop
Attributes common to each event: event type, event date, observation date
Migration: origin & destination
Death: cause
Delivery: live born and still born counts, parity
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
Demography [N01.224] | MeSH | |
Age Distribution [N01.224.033] | MeSH | |
Marital Status [N01.224.361.500] | MeSH | |
Emigration and Immigration [N01.224.625.350] | MeSH | |
Population Growth [N01.224.625.660] | MeSH | |
Residential Mobility [N01.224.791.700] | MeSH | |
Sex Distribution [N01.224.803] | MeSH | |
Vital Statistics [N01.224.935] | MeSH | |
Life Expectancy [N01.224.935.464] | MeSH | |
Mortality [N01.224.935.698] | MeSH | |
Cause of Death [N01.224.935.698.100] | MeSH | |
Survival Rate [N01.224.935.698.826] | MeSH | |
Pregnancy Rate [N01.224.935.849] | MeSH | |
Birth Rate [N01.224.935.849.500] | MeSH | |
Mental Health [N01.400.500] | MeSH | |
Reproductive Health [N01.400.625] | MeSH | |
Urban Health [N01.400.800] | MeSH | |
Suburban Health [N01.400.700] | MeSH | |
Urban Population [N01.600.900] | MeSH | |
Suburban Population [N01.600.775] | MeSH | |
Educational Status [N01.824.196] | MeSH | |
Employment [N01.824.245] | MeSH | |
Medical Indigency [N01.824.460] | MeSH | |
Poverty [N01.824.600] | MeSH | |
Health Services [N02.421] | MeSH | |
Delivery of Health Care [N05.300] | MeSH | |
Cities [N06.230.069] | MeSH | |
Disasters [N06.230.100] | MeSH | |
Fresh Water [N06.230.232] | MeSH | |
Rain [N06.230.520] | MeSH | |
Food Safety [N06.850.617] | MeSH | |
Health Transition [N06.850.650] | MeSH | |
Hygiene [N06.850.670] | MeSH | |
Sanitation [N06.850.860] | MeSH | |
Ouagadougou is the capital city of Burkina Faso and lies at the centre of this country, located in the middle of West Africa (128 North of the Equator and 18 West of the Prime Meridian).
Resident household members of households resident within the demographic surveillance area. Inmigrants (visitors) are defined by intention to become resident, but actual residence episodes of less than six months (180 days) are censored. Outmigrants are defined by intention to become resident elsewhere, but actual periods of non-residence less than six months (180 days) are censored. Children born to resident women are considered resident by default, irrespective of actual place of birth. The dataset contains the events of all individuals ever residents during the study period (03 Oct. 2009 to 31 Dec. 2014).
Name | Affiliation |
Abdramane Soura | Ouagadougou HDSS Site Leader (BF041) |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
OHDSS Team | Questionnaire design, Sampling methodology/selection, Data collection, Data analysis | |
Kombassdere Kouliga | OHDSS | Data Collection and processing |
Dielbeogo Dasmane | OHDSS | Data Collection and processing |
Compaore Yacou | OHDSS | Data Collection and analysis |
Name | Role |
Wellcome Trust | Prior funder |
African Population and Health Reseach Centre | Secondary funder |
International Vaccine Institute | Funder of TSAP Burkina |
International Development Research Centre | Funder of water and climate variabiliy project |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Stephanie Dos Santos | IRD | Coordination team |
Clementine Rossier | INED | Coordination team |
Scientific advisor committee | ISSP, Ouagadougou University | Scientific committee |
Clementine Rossier | INED | Coordination team |
Scientific advisor committee | OHDSS | Scientific committee |
This dataset is not based on a sample, it contains information from the complete demographic surveillance area of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso.
Reponse units (households) by Round:
Round Households
2008 4941
2009 19159
2010 21168
2011 12548
2012 24174
2013 22326
Household response rates are as follows (assuming that if a household has not responded for 2 years following the last recorded visit to that household, that the household is lost to follow-up and no longer part of the response rate denominator):
Year Response Rate
2008 100%
2009 100%
2010 100%
2011 98%
2012 100%
2013 95%
Not applicable
List of questionnaires:
Collective Housing Unit (UCH) Survey Form
Household registration (HHR) or update (HHU) Form
Household Membership Registration (HMR) or update (HMU)
Presences registration form (PDR)
Visitor registration form (VDR)
Out Migration notification form (MGN)
Pregnancy history form (PGH) & pregnancy outcome notification form (PON)
Death notification form (DTN)
Updated Basic information Form (UBIF)
Health questionnaire (adults, women, child, elder)
Variability of climate and water accessibility
Start | End | Cycle |
2009-01-01 | 2014-12-31 | Release coverage |
2009-11-01 | 2009-11-14 | Round 1 |
2010-02-09 | 2010-11-08 | Round 2 |
2011-07-01 | 2012-05-15 | Round 3 |
2012-07-24 | 2012-11-30 | Round 4 |
2013-02-23 | 2013-07-05 | Round 5 |
2013-08-06 | 2013-12-15 | Round 6 |
This dataset contains rounds 0 to 7 of demographic surveillance data covering the period from 07 Oct. 2008 to 31 December 2014.
Start date | End date | Cycle |
2008-10-07 | 2013-12-20 | Release coverage |
Name | Affiliation |
The Ouagadougou Health and Demographic Surveillance System | ISSP/UO |
Fieldworkers operated in teams of between 3 and 5 each supervised by a Fieldwork supervisor. Supervisors conduct supervised visits and quality control visits and review fieldworkers data collection.
Enumerators were trained immediately prior to the baseline data collection and then refresher training was conducted for one week between each surveillance round. New fieldworkers received a standardised 1 or 2 week training course prior to appointment as data collectors.
The data collection system is composed by two databases:
The data processing takes place in two ways:
When collecting data with PDAs or tablets and theirs transfers by Wi-Fi, data consistency and plausibility are controlled by verification rules in the mobile application and in the database. In addition to these verifications, the data from the temporary database undergo validation. This validation is performed each week and produces a validation report for the data collection team. After the validation, if the error is due to an error in the data collection, the field worker equipped with his PDA or tablet go back to the field to revisit and correct this error. At the end of this correction, the field worker makes again the transfer of data through the wireless access points on the server. If the error is due to data inconsistencies that might not be directly related to an error in data collection, the case is remanded to the scientific team of the main database that could resolve the inconsistency directly in the database or could with supervisors perform a thorough investigation in order to correct the error.
At the end of the round, the data from the temporary database are automatically transferred into the reference database by a transfer program. After the success of this transfer, further validation is performed on the data in the database to ensure data consistency and plausibility. This still produces a validation report for the data collection team. And the same process of error correction is taken.
Not applicable
CentreId MetricTable QMetric Illegal Legal Total Metric RunDate
BF041 MicroDataCleaned Starts 151624 2017-05-16 13:36
BF041 MicroDataCleaned Transitions 0 314778 314778 0 2017-05-16 13:36
BF041 MicroDataCleaned Ends 151624 2017-05-16 13:36
BF041 MicroDataCleaned SexValues 314778 2017-05-16 13:36
BF041 MicroDataCleaned DoBValues 314778 2017-05-16 13:36
INDEPTH Data Repository
Ouagadougou (BF041)
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
iSHARE2 Help desk | INDEPTH | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | This data is anonymised and no confidentiality agreement in addition to the general data use agreement is required. |
This data is made available for licensed access under the following conditions:
Data and other material provided by INDEPTH will not be redistributed or sold to other individuals, institutions or organisations without INDEPTH's written agreement.
In the case of multi-centre datasets, data originating from a single contributing member centre of the INDEPTH Network may not be analysed or reported on in isolation without the express permission of the member centre concerned.
No attempt will be made to re-identify respondents, and there will be no use of the identity of any person or establishment discovered inadvertently. Any such discovery will be reported immediately to INDEPTH.
No attempt will be made to produce links between datasets provided by INDEPTH or between INDEPTH data and other datasets that could identify individuals.
Any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, reports or other publications employing data obtained from INDEPTH will cite the source, in line with the citation requirement provided with the dataset.
An electronic copy of all publications based on the requested data will be sent to INDEPTH.
The original collector of the data, INDEPTH, and the relevant funding agencies bear no responsibility for the data's use or interpretation or inferences based upon it.
Any use of this dataset must cite the digital object identifier (doi) associated with this dataset. Using the following form:
"Ouagadougou HDSS INDEPTH Core Dataset 2009-2014 (Release 2017). Provided by the INDEPTH Network Data Repository. doi:10.7796/INDEPTH.BF041.CMD2014.v3"
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, INDEPTH, and the relevant funding agencies bear no responsibility for the data's use or interpretation or inferences based upon it.
This dataset documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. The dataset is shared in terms of the data-use agreement accepted at the time of data download.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
iSHARE2 Helpdesk | INDEPTH Network | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
iSHARE2 Technical Team | INDEPTH Network | Technical Support |
Dielbeogo Dasmane | Ouagadougou HDSS | DDI Author |
v01 (May 2017)
The DDI was produced by INDEPTH Network. It was downloaded on October 18, 2017 from by the World Bank Microdata Library documentation team.
v02 (October 2017)
Modifications in the study ID and DDI ID were done by the World Bank Microdata Library documentation team to match the standard used by the library and the IHSN Survey Catalog. Some metadata fields were also edited.
CMD2014.v1: For public distribution