Value | Category |
0 | No children under age 17 |
1 | Age(s) under 3 |
2 | Age(s) 3 to under 6 |
3 | Age(s) 6 to under 17 |
4 | Age(s) under 3; and age(s) 3 to under 6 |
5 | Age(s) under 3; and age(s) 6 to under 17 |
6 | Age(s) 3 to under 6; and age(s) 6 to under 17 |
7 | Age(s) under 3; and age(s) 3 to under 6; and age(s) 6 to under 17 |
9 | NIU (Not in universe) |
var_concept.title | Vocabulary |
Constructed Household Variables -- HOUSEHOLD | IPUMS |