Literal question
For residential buildings, the applicable circle in sections A-G should be marked.
For non-residential buildings and temporary accommodations [emergency] sections C-G are not applicable.
A. Building type
The building is a:
[] 1 Residential building
[] 2 Non-residential building
[] 3 Temporary shelter (emergency)
Interviewer instructions
For residential buildings, crosses should be made in the applicable circles in sections A to G.
For non-residential buildings and temporary shelters, section C to G need not to be answered.
A. Type of building
The building is:
[] 1 Residential building
[] 2 Non-residential building
[] 3 Temporary shelter
For which buildings is a building questionnaire to be filled out?
1. Building questionnaires have to be completed for all residential buildings regardless whether they are occupied, vacant or used for other purposes on census day. That includes single family, two families or multiple-family houses which are constructed as single, double, or row houses. In the case of double or row houses, or apartment blocks, those parts are considered separate buildings which have dwellings connected to a stair case and which are separated by masonry walls reaching from the basement to the attic; for every stair well a building questionnaire has to be completed. For a new apartment block with several stair wells, a building questionnaire has to be completed for each stair well. Side wings and rear wings which have separate entries are also counted as separate buildings.
For the following buildings only one building questionnaire is to be used:
a) Point houses even if they have several staircases
b) Freestanding middle or external staircase houses where the dwellings are accessible via a middle or external staircase.
2. For non-residential houses (e.g. schools, institutions, or administration buildings) a building questionnaire is only to be filled out if it has at least one dwelling occupied by a household.
3. For temporary shelters (e.g. barracks, garden house, trailer, and similar), a building questionnaire is to be filled out if they are used as permanent residences for one or several households, and are not occupied only temporarily (e.g. on weekends or during vacations).