Literal question
For persons of 10 years old and more
52. For what type of firm, business, or institution did [the respondent] work last week (or in his/her last job or trade)? Read all options and select just one.
[] 1 Free zone enterprise
[] 2 Other private enterprise or business
[] 3 Non-governmental non-profit organization
[] 4 For a particular individual
[] 5 Public institution or enterprise (Skip to question 54)
[] 6 A family house (Skip to question 54)
[] 7 Other (Skip to question 54)
Interviewer instructions
For people age 10 or older
Question 52: What type of company, business or institution did (NAME) work, last week (or in his/her last job)?
Read each option and fill in the correct answer, accordingly:
Factory or company in a free zone: When a person works for a specific industry, factory, company, workshop, warehouse or storehouse or any other establishment within the limits of the free zone or industrial area of the country.
Other private factory, company or business: When a person works for a specific industry, factory, company, commerce, hotel, farm, etc.
Non-profit organization or NGO: When a person works for an institution of social support or services or community service with no profit.
Working for an individual: When a person works for a specific person (i.e. as a chauffeur or as a bodyguard, etc.)
Public institution or company: When a person works for a public organization such as an office, branch, or state institution, including the city council, legislative or judicial branches, military or police.
Household: When a person works for a household doing domestic chores, including being a chauffeur, gardener, caretaker, housekeeping, etc.
Other: When a person works for an institution or organization not included in the previous categories.