Literal question
For persons of 10 years old and more
If the answer to questions 46 or 47 or 48 was "yes", skip to question 59.
56. What was [the respondent]'s main activity last week? Read all options and select just one:
[] 1 Household chores
[] 2 Studies
[] 3 Living from investments
[] 4 Retired or receiving pension
[] 5 Disabled/elderly
[] 6 No activity
[] 7 Other
Interviewer instructions
For people age 10 or older
Question 56: What was the main occupation that (NAME) did last week?
Read each option and answer accordingly.
Make sure that you follow the guidelines for the answer options:
Housekeeping: A person that works as a housewife in house chores with no payment.
Study: A person that studies without doing other than that and does not receive any payment.
[PAGE 35]
Landlord or Stockholder: A person that receives income by renting or investments (i.e. interests, salaries, deposits, rent, etc.) and that does not work to acquire other income.
Retired: A person that receives income from a pension or retirement, and that does not work to acquire other income.
Elder or disable: A person that due to his/her age or a permanent disability cannot work.
Person with no activities: A person that does not work or performs any job, even if is physically capable and of age to work. (These people are considered vagabonds, hobos)
Other: When a person is in a situation or condition different that the ones previously mentioned. In this case, you should record the name or situation in which the interviewee is involved. Some examples of who might be in this category are those who are in prison or confinement, priests, nuns, etc.