Literal question
For persons of 15 years old and more
[Questions 60-63 were asked for persons age 15+.]
60. At the present time [the respondent] is...
(Read all options and select just one)
[] 1 Married
[] 2 Cohabiting
[] 3 Widow/widower
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Separated from legal or religious marriage
[] 6 Separated from cohabitation
[] 7 Single
Interviewer instructions
For people age 15 or older:
Question 60: Currently, is (NAME):
Read each option and fill in the correct answer.
1. Married. If the person is married legally (by Law) or by the church.
2. In union. If the person lives with a partner without being married legally or religiously.
3. Divorced. If the person was married and is divorced legally or religiously and has not been married or living in union with another person.
4. Widow/widower. If the person was married and his/her partner died and has not been married or living in union with another person.
5. Separated legally or religiously. If the person lived in legal union or religiously and separated from his/her partner and has not been married or living in union with another person.
6. Separated from union. If the person live in union with a partner (free union or concubinage) and now is separated and has not been married or living in union with another person.
7. Single. If a person has never been married or in union.