Literal question
For persons age 10 or older
46. During the past week (seven days) has [the respondent] done any type of work for at least one hour such as selling food or clothes, sewing, motorcycle taxi, selling tickets, etc. in which he/she received any kind of payment?
[] 1 Yes (skip to question 52)
[] 2 No
Interviewer instructions
Question 46. During the past week (seven days) has [the respondent] done any type of work for at least one hour such as selling food or clothes, sewing, motorcycle taxi, selling tickets, etc. in which he/she received some kind of payment?
This question tries to document the type of work that could be considered a stable job and that is why the question refers to activities of that kind.
If the informant answers that the person worked in any one of the aforementioned activities during the last week, fill in code 1 and then go to question 52.
In case that the informant answers that the person did not work in any of the mentioned activities for some kind of payment during last week, then fill in code 2 and continue with question 47.