Literal question
For all persons aged 14 or older
If have practice a professional activity, answer questions 12 through 15,
Including: If you help a family member at work, even if part time
If you are an apprentice under contract or a paid intern
If you are not currently practice a professional activity or if you are unemployed: answer question 16.
13. Do you practice this profession as:
[] 1 An employer or independent worker (director or co-director of a farm, craftsman, shop keeper, industrialist, member of a liberal profession, etc.)
Do you employ paid workers? Do not count either apprentices or people who live with you as household help. In the agricultural sector, only count permanent paid employees.
[] Yes. How many?
[] 1 1 or 2
[] 2 3 to 5
[] 3 6 to 9
[] 4 10 or more
[] No. 0
[] 2 An unpaid mother's helper/household help (spouse, child or other family member of a farmer, a shop keeper, etc.)
[] 3 An apprentice under contract
[] 4 Paid employee
Are you an employee who works at home for one or more firms
[] 1 Yes
[] 0 No