Literal question
[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]
Economic activity -- P13-P17: Should be related to the past 7 days preceding census night
[P13 to P17 were asked of all persons age 5 years or older.]
P13a. During the 7 days before census night, did [the respondent] engage in any activity for pay (cash or kind) or profit or family gain for at least one hour?
(This includes helping in the family business/farm, trading, street vending, etc.)
[] Yes [skip questions P13b and P13c]
[] No
Interviewer instructions
Economic activity (P13 - P17)
Economic activity questions cover P13a, P13b, P13c, P14, P15, P15a, P16 and P17. All these questions should be related to the period of 7 days preceding Census Night. They should be asked only for persons aged 5 years and older.
P13a. During the 7 days before Census Night, did (name) engage in any activity for pay or profit or family gain (in cash or in kind) for at least one hour?
Two circles 'yes' and 'no' have been provided in P13a. Shade the circle under the 'yes' column for those persons who worked even for one hour during the reference period (i.e. seven days before Census Night). For those who did not work, shade the circle under the 'no' column.
For the purpose of this census, the following categories of persons must be regarded as working and the appropriate circle below the yes column shaded:
a. All those aged 5 years or older who were in regular employment or self-employment during the 7 days before the Census Night and were paid in cash or in kind.
b. All those aged 5 years or older who worked for at least one hour for pay, profit or family gain during the seven days before Census Night
c. All those aged 5 years or older who during the reference period worked on their own farms or went out to fish or engaged in trading for at least one hour during the reference period even though they may not have sold any produce during the period.
d. Domestic employees (house helps, cleaners, etc.,) aged 5 years or older who worked for at least one hour and were remunerated for their work either in kind or in cash.
e. Apprentices (i.e. persons learning a trade and who normally work under supervision of qualified workers e.g. apprentice carpenters, apprentice hairdressers, apprentice fitters, apprentice goldsmiths, apprentice masons, etc.) aged 5 years or older and who worked for at least one hour during the reference period.
f. All persons aged 5 years or older who worked without pay for at least one hour or more in an establishment or farm operated by a member of their family. This category of persons known as contributing family workers includes the following:
i. Wives/husbands who during the reference period worked in their husband's/wife's store, farm or other economic enterprise. However, if these wives/husbands are paid, they should be classified as paid workers and not as contributing family workers.
ii. Children aged 5 years or more who during the reference period helped on their father's/mother's or any family member's farm/shop or assisted them in other economic activities such as cocoa shelling.
You must also remember to include as contributing family workers all persons aged 5 years or older who helped family members in their economic activities but were full-time students in educational institutions. These persons must be treated as working. Similarly, a university student who temporarily did some work during the holidays should be regarded as working if he/she worked for even one hour during the 7 days before Census Night.
If the Yes circle in P13a is shaded, P13b and P13c must be left blank. This means that if the response is Yes in P13a, you should skip P13b and P13c and ask P14.