Interviewer instructions
6. Room
Rooms should be entered in descending order of the floor-space (e.g. 20, 16, 8 m2).
If the dwelling has more than six rooms the further rooms and their floor-space will be written into the box "Comments of the enumerator" (e.g. 6/14, 7/10), than the sum of the 6+ rooms (in our case 24 m2) will be entered into the heading "6th and more".
The roomette, dining corner must not be entered as a separate premises though their floor-space will be added to the adjoining room.
The premises of at least 4 m2 floor-space, having natural lighting and ventilation will be regarded as separate room.
Only the half of the total floor-space of the rooms in the attic should be taken into account. Furthermore these rooms will be regarded as rooms provided the half of their total surface exceeds 4m2.