Literal question
H6. What is the main type of fuel used by the central heating in your accommodation?
Mark one box only.
[] 1 No central heating
[] 2 Oil
[] 3 Natural Gas
[] 4 Electricity
[] 5 Coal (including anthracite)
[] 6 Peat (including turf)
[] 7 Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)
[] 8 Wood (including wood pellets)
[] 9 Other
Interviewer instructions
Question H6.This is an expanded version of the home heating question asked in Census 2006. The householder is now required to indicate the type of central heating, if any, which is used in the dwelling. The results of this question will provide more information on the nature of the fuel types which are used by home heating systems in Ireland and the location and type of homes which do not have central heating.