Literal question
15. Do you speak a language other than English or Irish at home?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to Q16)
What is this language? ____
(e.g. Polish, German, Irish Sign Language)
How well do you speak English?
Mark one box only.
[] 1 Very well
[] 2 Well
[] 3 Not well
[] 4 Not at all
Question 15 -- Do you speak a language other than English or Irish at home?
If you do not speak a language other than English or Irish at home you should mark box 2 (No) and proceed to question 16. This means those who speak only English and/or Irish at home do not have to report on their ability to speak the English language.
Interviewer instructions
Question 15. Question 15 is a new Question on the Census. It was tested in the Pilot Survey in 2009, having been supported for inclusion by several bodies including the Department of Education and Skills and the ESRI. The question will provide data on what languages other than English or Irish are spoken in households. It will also provide information on how well English is spoken by people who have a language other than English or Irish as their mother tongue. This information can be used to target state resources in areas such as education and health to support people who may struggle speaking English.