Literal question
[Questions 1-13 were asked in cases of a housing unit or a collective living quarter, except hotels or similar and institutions of "other type" -- that is occupied as a usual residence or for seasonal use, per questions A, B]
5. Bath or shower facilities
By bath or shower facilities we mean any facility that is permanently connected to the a sewer and draining system that allows for the evacuation of black waters outside the dwelling.
Does the housing unit have a fixed system of bath or shower?
[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No
Interviewer instructions
[Questions 1-13 were asked in cases of a housing unit or a collective living quarter, except hotels or similar and institutions of "other type," that is occupied as a usual residence or for seasonal use, per questions A, B]
Question 5 - Bath or shower
It is very important to verify the coherence of the answer given on this question with the ones given in questions 3 and 6, due to the strict relationship between them (i.e. existence of water and sewage system for residual waters).
To be considered as a bathing facility, it must be connected to a sewage system.
The sole existence of a lavatory does not mean that the dwelling has a bathing facility, just like the existence of improvised facilities with suspended recipients manually filled with water to be used as shower.