Value |
Category |
1 |
Government Primary School |
2 |
Private Primary School |
3 |
Government Secondary School |
4 |
Private Secondary School |
5 |
Technical/Vocational School |
6 |
Alternative Basic Education for Karamoja (ABEK) |
7 |
Functional Adult LIteracy (FAL) centre |
8 |
Government Health Centre |
9 |
Government Hospital |
10 |
Private (NGO) Clinic |
11 |
Private hospital |
12 |
Pharmacy |
13 |
Bank/Financial institution |
14 |
Post Office |
15 |
Market selling agricultural inputs |
16 |
Market selling agricultural produce |
17 |
Market selling non-agricultural produce |
18 |
Primary Market for Livestock |
19 |
Trunk road (Tarmac) |
20 |
Trunk Road (Murram) |
21 |
Feeder/District Road |
22 |
Community Road |
23 |
Traditional Healer |
24 |
Agricultural extension Services |
25 |
Veterinary Services |
26 |
Slaughter Slabs |
27 |
Dip Tank |
28 |
Crushes |
29 |
Charcos Dam |
30 |
Hides and Skins Bandas |
31 |
Fisheries Extension Services |
32 |
Police Station/Police post |
33 |
Army Detach/Barracks |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.