Value |
Category |
1 |
Kilogram (KG) |
2 |
Gram |
3 |
Litre |
5 |
Metre |
6 |
Square Metre |
7 |
Yard |
9 |
Sack (120 kgs) |
10 |
Sack (100 kgs) |
11 |
Sack (80 kgs) |
12 |
Sack (50 kgs) |
13 |
Sack (unspecified) |
20 |
Tin (20 lts) |
21 |
Tin (5 lts) |
22 |
Plastic Basin (15 lts) |
29 |
Kimbo/Cowboy/Blueband Tin (2 kg) |
30 |
Kimbo/Cowboy/Blueband Tin (1 kg) |
31 |
Kimbo/Cowboy/Blueband Tin (0.5 kg) |
37 |
Basket (20 kg) |
38 |
Basket (10 kg) |
39 |
Basket (5 kg) |
40 |
Basket (2 kg) |
63 |
Crate |
64 |
Heap (Unspecified) |
66 |
Bundle (Unspecified) |
67 |
Bunch (Big) |
68 |
Bunch (Medium) |
69 |
Bunch (Small) |
70 |
Cluster (Unspecified) |
83 |
Tobacco leaf (Number) |
85 |
Number of Units (General) |
86 |
Acre |
99 |
Other Units (Specify) |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.