Value |
Category |
1 |
Unconditional help provided by relatives/friends |
2 |
Unconditional help provided by local government |
3 |
Changed dietary patterns involuntarily (Relied on less preferred food options, reduced the proportion or number of meals per day, skipped days without eating, etc…) |
4 |
Changed cropping practices (crop choices or technology) |
5 |
Household member(s) took on more non-farm (wage- or self-) employment |
6 |
Household member(s) took on more farm wage employment |
7 |
Household member(s) migrated |
8 |
Relied on savings |
9 |
Obtained credit |
10 |
Sold durable household assets (agricultural or non-agricultural) |
11 |
Sold land/building |
12 |
Rented out land/building |
13 |
Distress sales of animal stock |
14 |
Sent children to live elsewhere |
15 |
Reduced expenditures on health and education |
96 |
Other (specify) |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.