Literal question
9. What is the main source of water supply for this house?
[] Piped water inside the housing unit
[] Piped water outside the housing unit within stand/plot
[] Communal tap
[] Protected well
[] Protected borehole
[] Unprotected well
[] Unprotected borehole
[] River/dam/Stream
[] Rainwater Tank
[] Other
Interviewer instructions
2.8 Water Sources
a. Protected Well: The wall of this well is usually lined with a brick wall or concrete block wall up to the ground level. The finish on top is of a reinforced concrete slab with an opening large enough to let a bucket go through. The opening is always covered.
b. Unprotected Well: The well is not lined with a brick wall or concrete wall. The top has no concrete slab though it has a sizeable opening to let a bucket go through. The opening is usually uncovered.
c. Protected Boreholes: These are boreholes drilled to a depth not less than 30 meters. The sides are cased by iron casing pipes while the last bottom pipe is perforated. The top is concreted together with the suction pipe.
d. Unprotected Boreholes: They are similar in design to protected boreholes except that the top as well as the suction pipe are left uncovered and large enough to let a jar or small bucket go through.
e. Rain Water Tank: Usually used by individual tenants, to collect rain water from the roofs. These vary in sizes as there is no standard size. It is always advisable to have it covered after the collection.
f. Piped Water: Is usually supplied to households through pipes. The pipes are connected from the source to the individual's housing unit or a public place for a group of people.
H9: What is the main source of water supply for this housing unit?
Find out the main source of water for drinking and cooking for the household and shade the appropriate code.